Mi chiamo Nicholas Emery, sono inglese e insegno inglese ormai da diversi anni. Tengo lezioni e corsi dal 2002. Ho lavorato prima in Cina, quindi in scuole per stranieri in Inghilterra e poi, dal 2005, a Roma. Nel 2015 ho fondato “Yes – Your English Solutions”, società specializzata in corsi d’inglese aziendali e per professionisti. Inoltre, essendo laureato in Statistiche, faccio revisioni di paper medico-scientifiche. Ho anche esperienza di progetti europei di ricerca Erasmus+ come consulente.
“When I took over my current position, My English was a but rusty as I hadn’t practised it for years. Nick’s speaking course (YES SPEAK) helped me to refresh and enhance my knowledge and to get the right confidence to handle frequent calls with native speakers without anxiety and panic.”
Imma M., Data Protections and Customer Risk Specialist at Ford Credit
“On a friend’s advice I turned to Nick for two reasons: to organise small, in-company courses of different levels, and to prepare me for B2-level IELTS certification. In both cases he was very good and professional, helping us to achieve our goals quickly.”
Marco P., CTO at Harpa Italia Srl
“I needed to improve my business English to manage finance issues of European projects. Thanks to Nick I’ve filled my English gap very quickly and easily. Nick made an optimal working program designed to my real working needs. I’m very satisfied. Thanks again.”
Marco P., Project Controller at Sistemi Formativi Confindustria
“My goal was challenging: become fluent, at 50, for professional needs and in a short time. Nick’s expertise was my best ally, I didn’t think I could do it. Now ready to move forward for a certificate.”
Ivana R., Training & Development Manager at Sistemi Formativi Confindustria
“I need to improve my English for professional working needs. I don’t live in Rome and the chance to have a lesson remotely is a great advantage. The value of individual lessons with Nick is that they are completely set on your personal needs and therefore very effective.”
Raffa F., Biometry Data Manager at Angelini Pharma
“Individual or group lessons, Nick is always able to stimulate the interlocutor, ranging from topics related to everyday life to micro-language for people with a strong interest in work. His best quality is the empathy he is able to establish with people. Highly recommended for anyone who wants to improve their English in an easy way.”
Guido M., Quality Manager at SIAED S.p.A.
Imma M., Data Protections and Customer Risk Specialist at Ford Credit
Marco P., CTO at Harpa Italia Srl
Marco P., Project Controller at Sistemi Formativi Confindustria
Ivana R., Training & Development Manager at Sistemi Formativi Confindustria
Raffa F., Biometry Data Manager at Angelini Pharma
Guido M., Quality Manager at SIAED S.p.A.

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Corsi online di gruppo o lezioni individuali, ovunque tu sia.

Corso mirato a migliorare la sicurezza nel parlare in pubblico. Piccoli gruppi di 4 per dare ampio spazio ad ogni partecipante. Svolto all’aperto per una maggior sicurezza. Gli studenti sono spinti al di fuori della loro zona di comfort, così da diventare oratori in inglese più sicuri ed

Corso ciclico di studio continuo che dà agli studenti la possibilità di vedere il loro miglioramento e allo stesso tempo prepararsi per un certificato a livello internazionale. Ai datori di lavoro dà la possibilità di vedere l’impegno del proprio staff, con…